You can have your car and eat it too! :faint2: (Sorry, it had to be said) edit: Didn't Chrysler used to make one of those? You know, a K Car. :doh:
But if you wait too long, the cake will go bad and make you sick. Then that's situational irony. :welcome:
I went and looked at my latest statistics on Thanks... And,, I've noticed that Dogfriend tends to thank me. A lot. Thanks, Dogfriend. Is "Thanks" the new pick up line? :huh: So, my only question is... what's wrong with the rest of you guys? :drum:
Thanks for using "a lot" properly, and not a lot. A lot of times people write "alot" for meaning "many". However, I do like spelling "labour" and "flavour", even though my spellchecker insists it should be "labor" and "flavor". :mod:
Well, why would you spell words incorrectly on purpose? Stupid spellcheckers. Yes, I do like that alot a lot.
I tried doing this, but my thanks listing runs for 20 pages. I don't think I have time to wade through it all. Tom
I'll admit, I only looked at the first page - enough to see that I have been predominately thanked by Dogfriend. Oh, look! a new "smiley" : :rant:wow, bet he's been over in Fred's house of politics, huh?
I've been accused of being a grammar Nazi more than once. I have a tendency to attack when "it's" is used instead of "its" to denote possession. "Alot" never really bothered me - I guess large, fluffy creatures are attractive to me. I, also, prefer to type "flavour," "colour," and "cheque," over the rather insipid American versions. I just assume it's due to reincarnation.