at the risk of appearing to be blatantly naive ... ... i can only HOPE the intention of the "author" / the purpose of the "article" was, first and foremost, satire. if such is not the case, then, at the risk of appearing to be blatantly obvious ... ... the "author" gives the word "moron" a bad name ....
That dude is just some twerp hiding behind his computer screen. People just need to justify their own miserable existence so they write right crap like this. People who say you will not make your money back are just ill informed. Take your MSRP and subtract your probable resale and your gas savings and your going to come out ahead, especially if your like me and drove a V8 truck.
You guys all got it wrong. He wrote that article, not because he's a tool, or a twerp, or whatever you want to call him. This is pure capitalism. He wrote that article to get clicks. It worked.
Will take every-ones word for it. Not going to give him a click! -1 click I bought the car because : 1) It gets great milage 2) its good for the eco system 3) I don't have to fall into it 4) I don't have to climb out of it 5) I find it overall comfortable 6) My kids love it 7) Educational tool (Here's one I didn't expect - now my kids call every-thing else a gas guzzler) As far as resale, I put on 150K on my vehicles, and they are worth about 5K-7K when I am done driving them. If I get that from this car, the money I save in gas will be well worth it!
THE MECHANIC - the author of this pathetic article can bend over and kiss his own sorry A$$!! i wonder how much money the oil company funded for his house????? or does he even own a house?????????? Speaking for the most of us here, we happen to love our prius's. we love having them in our driveways and we oftentimes can't wait to drive our beloved cars. NO we arent trained to be used to our cars. we like them for what they are. I'm getting sick and tired of people slamming our cars. To some of us, it's our only car, to others, it's just another car we own. SO WHAT??????? YOU - the mechanic remind me of the same old jerk that i see every morning that makes it a personal vendetta to cut me off, to slow down in front of me, to speed past me and to flip off the finger when i am obeying the speed limit. What happens to your sorry a$$ when i blew by you this morning on my Z06??????? Who's the one standing still? Who's the one who's jaw dropped off when you breathed my afterburners of forced induction and nitrous oxide????? IRREVERANCE JUSTIFIED! ok, off my soap box. i'm just tired of having other people think that it's free reign to piss on us, just because we're just cruising along at the speed limit. god, I abhor these threads and people like this really get under my skin.
I think the main problem is the American people are being kept in the dark about what is causing high gas prices. Is it oil speculation? Low gas supplies? Price gouging? They are a bit frustrated. Unfortunately, the media has been no help in clarifying the situation.
wait, there were ads on that site? oh. i suppose my "click" was wasted, then. it's interesting how the guy tells us all to keep the cars we have and then tells us to go buy the most expensive car we want...
Didn't realize he's a mechanic. Maybe his problem is he doesn't know how to work on them, and he suffers from pri envy!
:frusty::mmph::flame::mad2::yell: i'm just really pissed because i notice more and more people out there labeled as "prius-haters" and i really dont know why. but as time goes on, i realize the subtle "moves" people do to me on the's really getting to me. well, i do know why they hate us........but that's besides the point. i just wish my daughter and other passive prius owners dont see what i have seen. sorry for the rant.
IMHO the only possible reason is we have a Prius and they don't, and they're frustrated because they can't dump their big American gas guzzler and they're shelling out $120 per week to some Arabs who hate us. Pretty simple.
I'm taking his advice. He said, "Drive the car you desire," and the Prius just happens to be that car.
So a "Hot wife" is expensive? I guess he sees his significant other as a whore. Nice. Not only stupid, but a sexiest as well.