Hi folks. Just experienced intended acceleration...and intended deceleration, and even intended stopping while driving my Prius III. Should I be worried??? Let's hear from those who are not having any problems with their Prius III. I have 22,000 Km on the clock and the only problem I've had is a rear seatback that wouldn't snap back into position...fixed at the dealer in two minutes with a squirt of WD-40!
I've participated in car forums for a long time, and the sampling bias is toward folks posting negative comments/questions. When folks have issues with their cars (or cell phones, TVs, etc.), they post. Rarely does somebody post saying...man, this car is great, I've had no problems. And...then you have to deal with people who don't even own the car the forum is dedicated to...who often post long-winded nonsensical stuff .
22k miles also and only two minor problems fixed with one trip to the dealer, a driver door armrest separation and condensation on the MID. I have encountered the rough start twice at the very beginning but know how to prevent it from happening again. I have had a few rattles on cold morning starts but they disappear once the car warms up. Other than that, no problems and really enjoying my car. When the brake transition issue first surfaced, I tried everything everyone reported on here, potholes, manhole covers, railroad tracks, etc. and could never get my car to do anything but stop like it should. I am even one of the few that will report on here that I actually like the NAV, including the GPS system and all of the features of the audio system. No problems to report on any of these systems.
[FONT="]Well at 26k, 1 very intentional hard stop, worked GREAT, did not hit the stupid SOB, 1 blown tweeter, fixed at dealer, 4 new tires, the car just works GREAT![/FONT]
Frankly, I'm very worried, and I think you should be, too. You wanna talk scary? Well, I've even experienced intended acceleration to the point of being able to merge safely. Onto an INTERSTATE! Even one with other actual cars present! So many people have assured me that this is physically impossible. And these are non-Prius owners, a fact that in itself unequivocally demonstrates their superior intellect, not to mention knowledge of the subject at hand. I'm now convinced there is something terribly wrong with my car, too. I've complained to Toyota and they refuse to believe me or to do anything about this hurtling menace. And dont even get me started on how many times I've stepped on the brake, only to be confronted with this unexpected sensation of *actually slowing down*. And sometimes--I swear, I am *not* making this up--the car will (gasp) come to a complete stop! Don't that just beat all? Again, no one believes me--not my non-Prius-owning friends, anyway. I'm beside myself. We need to start a support group.
Don't take risks of driving on Interstates too lightly. I have it on good authority that if you drive to far on one you will actually end up in another state.
I have a series of "speed bumps" I must negotiate several times a week and have not been able to duplicate the effect. I did have a VW diesel Passat that was an absolute pig when the ABS activated on a rough, slippery surface...like being slammed into by a big SUV intent on mating. Never really been comfortable with anybody's ABS - having learned the proper procedure for keeping control of a vehicle in slippery, bumpy conditions.
Hmm, I am confused. Intended accelleration is what every car does, unless its broken. The same with intended decelleration , and intended stopping. I mean, is that not what we buy cars for? Did the OP typo ?
I have a confession to make...well, 2 actually. I'm not a Prius owner. (Just a Prius driver.) and well....I post here a lot. And... I've actually said a few good things about Priuses. Also, my car suffers from IA, and IB. ...sorry.
Today in Towata there was a car next to me in the far left turn lane. He must have experienced unintended acceleration as a shot straight forward while I was turning left. I slammed on the brakes causing unintended deceleration as he shot past me. Or maybe he was just an Alpha Hotel in the wrong lane.
60,000 miles and I'm still suffering from a car that works perfectly. I hope Toyota does something to correct this in future versions. Tom
I'm also suffering incredible gas mileage in an old Prius that works perfectly on the original battery.
Oh, McNO, say it ain't so! Will the Prius work in another state? Given the piddly 500+ range on a full tank, I'm guessing it might not. Should I start a new thread, or wait for our resident QA/QC expert "MWOK" to inevitably find this yet another flaw? sign me off as sh*t-scared, yet again, ~T
By God, you people are treading on thin ice. I can only guess what's going to happen when the Sheepies find this threa-a-ad. I have reviewed my three year ownership of our Prius and like many of you I find that I was tricked into buying a car that meets or exceeds my modest expectations. The car has been reliable, easy to maintain, and miserly on gas. How was I to know that I would be subjected to repeated bouts of U/S (Unexpeted Satisfation) and DSC (Deep Seated Contentment)? It is clear to me that we are all subject to systemic faulty memory and probable firmware anomalies in our proprietary control algorithms. I suspect the only chance for us to lead a normal life will be to line up for a PHEV in 2012. Until then we will have to continue to suffer through continuing excruciating happiness and a ominous sense of having done the right thing. Heaven help us all. Timo, Yes it is true, I have pushed the boundaries of Prius operation and managed to drive as far as Maine and Florida... in perfect comfort and apparent safety. What a crock. However, I was shocked to find that in both cases I had to buy some gas on the way. In the case of our trip to the Tampa area, one way fuel costs were ~$40. What an outrage. (While there, I gathered up my courage and had my car serviced. To my utter amazement, I was treated like a human being.)
I'm almost at 20K and the only problem I had was a year ago when my stereo stopped working. 1/2 day in the shop and no remedy, they requested a full day but before I could figure out when to schedule it the stereo started working again. I guess it's self healing, that was over a year ago. Other than that it's been absolutely a wonderful car.
You folks in the "Aluminum-Foil Hat" thread take heart!! There's no way that these spurious IA, IB, and RFA (righteous fuel economy) anomalies could possibly be commonplace. In fact....I personally feel that these occurrences are NOT the because of the car...but the it's drivers. Well OK...maybe the RFA is mostly a design flaw in the car---