I bought this 04' well used. Only had it a couple of weeks and I love it! However....I did get myself locked out with the vehicle running. I fired it up to defrost in my driveway and locked it, I came back out, remote key in hand, to be greeted with a 2-3 beep when trying to unlock the door. Tried the "smart" button on the door handle. No dice. After a quick google search I discovered the "hidden key" built into the fob. "Sweet! I'm in!" I think.... only to discover my key was an uncut blank. A couple of wooden wedges a coat hanger and an hour later I managed to poke a window button down and gain entry. Anyone know if it's possible to get a key cut by the VIN or should I just pull the door lock and take it to a locksmith or the Toyota dealership? It's either that or I'm wiring in a hidden "unlock" button on the car someplace. In a tail lamp with a magnetic switch would work in a pinch if i have to. Any thoughts would be great, thanks!
The mechanical key can be made from a blank by a competent locksmith... Many of them charge too much though...
A locksmith can cut the mechanical key, given the five-digit number on the lock cylinder. A dealer can look up that number from the VIN (if you also convince them you own the car), assuming the cylinder was never changed after the car was sold.
This. I have had the dealer cut a replacement key from the vin. Only charged me for the key and gave me the key code also. It might be a good idea to get an extra key cut if your going to warm the car up anyway. The key fob doesn't like to be too far away from the car when it's running.
Once you have a working mechanical key (or two), next would be to secure an additional working FOB for this vehicle. Only having a single working FOB is just asking for an headache, and or a techstream / seed code learning curve.
I'll probably pull the lock myself to get the number. Oregon is taking MONTHS to complete a vehicle title change lately. I'd like to fix this more like next week! Thanks for the help!
Call me old fashioned but I do like a physical key! For instance, say the battery somehow goes dead when it's locked? I wouldn't even be able to pop the hood for a jump start, or the back hatch to charge the 12v battery! Me likeey the key!!
Definitely get a second smart key fob and program it to the car. AFAIK it must be a new fob unless you want to try and get a reseed code somewhere. Another thing to consider is making a backup key. Look on ebay for "prius backup key" for a seller who has a conventional toyota immobilizer key blank. If you do some research you can likely find out the type of key blank and get it from your local locksmith and have it cut. It's a bit clumsy to use in the key slot but it can be programmed to work. I can open the mechanical door lock and start the car. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Someone at some time in the cars life probably bought a replacement key fob and didn't get the key cut. The car comes with 2 key fobs but over the years they get lost, break, whatever. new key fobs come with uncut keys, thats what you have.
Yeah they don't usually come cut unless a dealer is supplying it, and it getting lost was my guess too. I had a BMW key like that for a while before I had it cut. I had a spare to take to the locksmith in that case though. I only got the one from previous owner. I searched the car this weekend while cleaning it up hoping to find another key but no luck. Meanwhile I'm just being very careful not to get locked out!