I bit the bullet and ordered a set of the new prius plug in wheels for my summer tires. I'm really tired of changing my tires over each season for 70 bucks. So I started out shopping for an after market wheel and really could not find anything in the 15" size that looked good let alone be well designed. So when I saw the wheels on the plug in Prius. I though they looked really nice. And the fun thing is, there won't be many of them on the road. Also my thinking is, the wheels are probably designed to get the best milage possible while delivering an upgraded look. I should get them next week some time. Apparently the parts guy had to order them from two different toyota locations. I will post some before and after pictures. ajl
I'm paying 250.00 each which includes freight. At first it seemed like a lot of money but the aftermarket wheels started at 100 each and just went up from there. And the offsets and quality were all over the board. ajl
That is a lot for 15" wheels though. I found many better looking 15" wheels for a lot less money. I'm going to pick up a nicer 15" wheel for winter tires next fall. More power to you though if you like them, they are an okay looking wheel to me, maybe average.
I installed the wheels a few weeks back. I really like the new look. No more stupid plastic hubcaps. AJL
They remind me of the 16" wheels that came on my 10th gen Corolla S. I have them on my 07 Corolla CE now.
I think I am looking at your craigslist ad right now that was posted 06/05/12. Anyone know the weight on the PIP wheels?
Yes I would be curious to find out the weight as well. I have been searching all morning to no avail. Id like to get a second set of wheels for winter tires. I have been trying to find out the weights of all the different prius wheels. Im wondering how they differ and which would be the lightest set to mount snows on.
Has anyone found out what the weight is yet? I dont really feel like paying the dealer to unmount my wheel and tire just to weigh it and put it back on...