I'm doing my 2007 taxes, looks like I am not getting the tax credit for my March 2007 Prius purchase. I'm bummed, and was wondering exactly how many people are actually getting this supposed tax credit for the 2007 tax year. I'm trying a poll for the first time...
Sorry to hear about you not getting the credit. I got the full $1575 credit for my 2-13-07 purchase. I think it was because I wasn't subject to Alternative Minimum Tax in 2007. But I'm not getting any economic stimulus rebate check either for myself or my daughter.
I escaped the alternative minimum tax and therefore got the full $1575.00 credit. Bought the Prius in February of 07
Sorry you didn't qualify for the credit. I just made the cut-off, bought on Sept. 25th, so I got the $788 credit for my Prius.
I clicked yes, but we "only" got a partial credit (actually most of it) for our purchase on 3/31/07 (nothing like sliding in just before the bell). Ended up with about $1,350 out of a possible of $1575. Didn't plan it exactly this way, but I think we timed it just right. Got the most we could have even if he we had been eligible for the $3,150 prior to 9/30/06. We have two kids so the child tax credit is figured into the calculation as well. By the way, you don't have be subject to the AMT to get dinged. They make you calculate what you would pay under the AMT and your total credits and deductions can't bring you below that amount. That's why we didn't get the full amount. Never had to pay or even really consider the AMT before. We get by, but we're certainly not close to being considered wealthy (which the AMT had always implied to me previously).
Nope, ordered on September 15, delivered on Oct. 18. As the saying goes, close but no cigar! :Cry: Jim
I purchased, and took delivery, (aka "placed in service") on my Prius on September 28, 2007 and have filed for the $787.50 credit applicable, which vanished effective September 30, 2007. The key term in the IRS ruling is related to "placing in service", which I interpret as physically taking delivery. So for instance if you placed an order for a Prius on the date I purchased, but wanted a specific color or options configuration that forced you to wait 6 weeks for delivery, you would be out-of-luck in getting the credit. Ron.
My accountant just finished my taxes a few weeks ago. (I filed an extension.) As soon as I saw them I'm called him and said "Hey you forgot the tax credit for my Prius". Turned out since I'm subject to AMT due to unreimbursed business expenses I don't get the credit. Even if I reduce the expenses I'm still can't take the credit for the reasons "Highly ImPriused" mentioned previously. Talking to my accountant in Northern Virginia and another accountant locally in the Charlotte, NC area where I live -- they both had more clients miss out on the tax credit than were able to take it. This makes me livid! I had not heard anything about this previously. The tax credit was not the only reason I bought a Prius; however, since I did buy it and I was told I'd get a $788 tax credit -- I expected to get it.
I ordered a 2008 Prius touring #6 on May 22nd and it will be in between June 26th and July 1st. The Illinois "green rewards" program expired on May 15th. No tax credit for going green for me.
Fortunately for us, you weren't in charge of the program. And you are wrong about the batteries, but I don't have the patience to explain it to you. Maybe you could do some research and educate yourself. I won't hold my breath.
We also just finished our taxes (we had also filed for an extension.) After looking at all the forms I asked the same question "Where my tax credit for my Prius?". I brought my Prius on Sept. 4th, picked it up on my birthday (3 days later). Turned out we do not qualify, our combined income was too high (wow that's hard to believe). I feel ripped off! I had not read anything about this AMT max. I had calculated the tax credit, as part of my justification for purchasing a Prius. I'm still glad I brought my Prius and with the money I'm saving on gas, my timing could not have been better. I went from a mini van with over 100K that needed lots of repairs. It was costing $75-$100 per tank, several times a week. To my Prius that costs me $20-30 per tank, not even once a week.