I find that passing other slow vehicles whilst keeping my speed at the posted speed limit with cruise control causes lots of Chevrolet Avlanche, Suburban, Range Rover, Dodge Hemiroid, Shelby Mustang owners, (God knows even these new 341-hp Tundras) et al, to slow right down from their 100-mph-plus blasts lane: And you're absolutely right! Often as not they then display the "Hey buddy we think you're #1" sign to me. Well it's only a nice gesture but that's when I know that I've performed another valuable service to my fellow man. BLAM ! I FEEL GOOD ___ Do do DO da Do da DOOOO... Like I knew that I WOULD now.... It's a hoot. Don't polute! -------------------------- [email protected]
" . . . And if we do that, we can stop all the trucks and the ships that transport all those new cars to those new car dealers . . ." Not that I'd bother to let the author know, but transport ships are one of THE most efficient fossel fuel burners. I wonder if he hates all the Wallmart items as well. After all, the lions share of all the junk we buy nowdays is imported. Maybe now that the Prius is scheduled to be made in the U.S.A. the author will have a change of heard (yes I know it's all toung&cheek)
Well its blatantly obvious that he's never even been inside of a fully loaded Prius by the statment "they've reduced it down to nothing, becoming a A to B car" or something like that. I've never been inside of a car with more features than the prius. (besides a friends loaded Infinity M35) Also, I dont understand how "Prius-haters" can get everyone so mad on here. I personally laugh at it because they're so stupid! I'm not worried they're going to convince other people to hate it as well and give it a bad name. Who cares, I know its good, I love it, and I can clearly see the pure benefits of owning one. If you cant, then you're a plane and simple idiot, and its funny! lol
There will always be those who feel they have to have a car with "zoom-zoom" "driving excitment" and all that.. hey, I own a Miata, so I know all about the sheer joy of driving.. However... for those of us who like to limit our impact on air quality, oil reserves, etc... there's no match for the Prius (mass produced anyway). If he's sick of hearing about hybrids.. then let him be. Plenty of people don't like the Prius for it's looks or any other hybrid for the sheer smugness that comes along with them. For me, I am proudly smug! I can regularly get 55+ mpg.. now, who's going to make a safe plug in option that cost less than 5k and will last 10+ years???? Or better yet.. an electric car similar to the Prius for less than 25k??? hmmm.. best of all... a Prius capable of going 65mph and 50 miles on all electric.. but then capable of 60+ mpg on a road trip! BRING IT ON!! viva hybrid!
I actually thought that line was funny, and I'm female. Im not a "hot wife" but I do understand that there are costs involved with having me around. The fact that he assumes a "hot wife" is expensive means he knows the only way he could get one would be to shell out serious cash. :focus:
You can hate anything you want, but it doesn't change my opinion. It doesn't change the opinion of all the wantabe's and those without. The Prius is a good car that also saves on gas.
he has some good points, all are halted by the fact that most cars go to work, home, school, market ect. if you want a sports car to carry groceries, books, luggage ect. go for it. he calls for driving an beemer as a daily commute. everyone must bend to the will of practicality eventually. either by age, poverty or just mellowing from the overextention of the opposite..... oh and what about those that got a hybrid to replace a broken/over-the-hill car.
Kind of strange, being a big pick-up truck state, have been noticing some of my farm neighbors are sporting smaller cars to run to town in! They all gave me sh!t when I bought my used geo for running to town (toyota drive train) a couple years back. Have also noticed more new Priis out and about too! I think alot of people will come around once they figure out that gas isn't going to go below $3. bucks again! Read an article about the small pick ups coming back. More for the people that feel they need a truck even though they dont haul or tow any-thing.
I haven't read the article but I get the gist. I just got my Prii yesterday after waiting since May 25th. I'm already in LOVE! Last weekend I defended the Prii to this lady that is a friend of a mutual friend. I told her our mutual friend & myself had both ordered a new Prii. She said she didn't like them & their was 2 of them in her block. I asked if she had ever driven one & she said no. My reply was, well, I did & loved the way it drove, the comfortable seats, gas savings, the pkg. 6 etc. She stated she thought they were ugly & she wouldn't buy a foreign car. So I proceeded to tell her that if the American manufacturers would get off their A$$es & make one to compare, then maybe I would think about buying one. Until then I was sticking to the Prii!! She walked off, guess I hit a nerve!!
I noticed oil spiked again today because of low supplys. Indication that consumption went up. Bull Sh!t, They reduced refinery capacity because of a possible hurricane! If our Arab friends don't manipulate with production decreases or through sovereign funds we get the refinery BS.
Holy crap, people. The article was a joke. Satire. Tongue-in-cheek. Nothing more. I guess all forms of common sense went completely by the wayside in the 1960's. Better yet ... perhaps the guy wrote it just to see how personally you all would take it.
Well, either it is satire or he is the energy policy advisor to the candidate who thinks we can solve the fuel supply issue by ensuring that our tires are properly inflated!
It was a well written piece for one reason and one reason only, his intention was to offend people, he accomplished his goal. Its way over the top but written in a manner that suggests sincerity, which helps accomplish the goal even better.